About us

Born in 1978, Sulnorte Serviços Marítimos Ltda is a family-owned tugboat company, proud to have one of the largest coastal coverages in Brazil.

Through an intense risk prevention program and being completely updated about the latest safety practices and rules, Sulnorte assures the security level to our crew, the environment protection, the well-being of all our employees and the high quality of the services we deliver.

Sulnorte is also recognized as a dynamic and flexible company. Our proposal is to give the best experience to our customers, adapting to their needs.

Sulnorte means Family and tradition, quality and honesty, integrity and reliability. Certainly, we are your best choice for harbour towage services in Brazil.

Our Services

Harbour Towage

Sulnorte delivers a wide coverage, by having our tugboats spread at the main Brazilian ports. We focus on providing berthing and un-berthing maneuvers to our customers and we count with the proper fleet to ensure the safest experience even at the busiest ports in Brazil. Check out our harbor towage coverage in Brazil.

Ocean-Going Towage

Sulnorte has expertise and a large experience in providing ocean-going towage across the Brazilian shore to all kinds of ships, barges, dipper dredgers, floating docks, damaged vessels among others, with tugs totally equipped for this kind of operation.

Emergency Assistances

We are ready 24/7 to perform all sorts of emergency assistances. In 2021 we provided 33 maneuvers from refloating, support to vessels with engine failures, repositioning of vessels with damaged or broken mooring ropes, salvages to drifting ships among many other.

Terminal Towage

Sulnorte offers the exclusive terminal towage services at Madre de Deus Terminal, located in Bahia, Brazil. We have been providing this service for 14 years, contributing to its successful operational history.

Over 45 years tradition
Tugboats in
the fleet
Over 40 years
Tugboats in
the fleet

Where we are

Click Here for Contact Information


  • Wide Brazilian coast coverage.

  • High fleet availability.

  • Flexibility and swift decision making, lead by customer’s needs and by results.

  • Suitable fleet employment, offering the best cost utility to our clientele.

  • Focus on quality, safety, and care for social and environmental sustainability.

  • Commitment with Brazil’s development and economy growth.


Tugboat Bollard Pull BHP Propulsion Location
SN Cariri 63 4400 ASD Click here
Casco 2151 70 4200 ASD
Casco 2152 70 4200 ASD
SN Abaís 57 4.400 ASD Click here
SN David 57 4.400 ASD Click here
SN Guarapari 57 4.400 ASD Click here
SN Abrolhos 57 4.400 ASD Click here
SN Maraú 50 3.500 ASD Click here
SN Jatoba 50 3.700 ASD Click here
SN Aragipe 51 3.500 ASD Click here
SN Chuí 45 3.500 ASD Click here
SN Oiapoque 50 3.500 ASD Click here
SN Pirambú 50 3.500 ASD Click here
SN Mossoró 45 3.100 CONV (2) Click here
SN Jauá 41 2.828 ASD Click here
SN Caeté 41 2.828 ASD Click here
SN Sauípe 40 2.828 ASD Click here
SN Palmares 40 2.480 CONV (2) Click here
SN Araruama 32 2.560 CONV (2) Click here
SN Atalaia 32 2.560 CONV (2) Click here
SN Pituba 21 1.700 CONV(3) Click here
SN Pirajá 20 1.700 CONV (3) Click here
Nicola 55 4.024 ASD Click here
América 55 4.024 CASD Click here
José Mendes 34 2.820 ASD Click here


Sulnorte has expertise in port and maritime operations, as well as a long-term relationship with our customers. We are fully able to attend to all kinds of vessels fleet.

We are the most qualified Brazilian company, having deep know-how and a lot of experience in the most diversified shipping markets, which is the key to our successful history in vessel maneuvers performance.

Dry Bulk

  • Our fleet perfectly attends the main agribusiness companies and the relevant stakeholders;
  • We hold a large number of vessel maneuvers on the grains, fertilizers, ore, and raw materials market;

Chemical & Tanker

  • We are the tug provider of the main owners and charterers on the chemicals, veg oil, fuels, gas, and other liquid cargoes vessels;
  • Wide coverage of Brazilian cabotage main port complexes;

Container & Roro

  • We hold a history of expertise in the attendance of the main liner companies in the international scenario;

Ship-to-Ship (STS)

  • Safety attendance of the relevant petrochemicals players;

    Expertise in anchorage and terminal operations;

Break Bulk and Project Cargo

  • We are fully established as the #1 company in the attendance to the owners, charterers, and third parties in the break bulk and project market;
  • Contract in force with the biggest wood pulp carriers;
  • Contract in force with many steel companies and carriers;
  • Expertise in the attendance of granite vessels and customers;

Cruise and Ocean Lines

  • We safety maneuvered plenty of vessels to the most known cruise ships and ocean lines companies;

Offshore & Maritime

  • We successfully attended to Brazilian and international companies on the offshore and maritime market on a tramp basis.

Dispatch Center

  • Monitors and tracks in real time, 24/7 SSHINC, every single tug movement and services provided by our fleet.

  • Allocates appropriate fleet to each maneuver, ensuring operational efficiency and attendance on time.

  • Records all port movements, creating a large database that supports KPIs analysis and market intelligence.

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  • Sulnorte promotes social and environmental responsibility and the continual improvement of the Safety-First culture.

  • Sulnorte values transparency and trust, engaged in strict compliance policies.

Contact Us

Need Help? For feedbacks, suggestions, troubleshoots, doubts, LGPD questions or other, you can text us.

Contact Us

Need help? For feedback, suggestion, troubleshoot, doubts, LGPD questions or Other, you can text us.


Make contact with our branches and operations center

Rua Rodrigo Silva, 26, 11° Andar, Centro, Rio De Janeiro/RJ
CEP: 20011-902



Rua Guaiaó, 66, Sala 2608, Aparecida, Santos/SP
CEP: 11035-260

Branch Manager: Agnes Ferreira
Cell: +55 (13) 99794-2532
Telephone: +55 (13) 3211-5040
E-mail: agnes.beatriz@sulnorte.com.br

Rua Zacarias De Azevedo 399, Sala 403, Centro, Maceió/AL
CEP: 57020-470

Branch Manager: Lidiane Santos
Cell: +55 (71) 99653-9083
Telephone: +55 (82) 3327-6557
E-mail: lidiane.santos@sulnorte.com.br

Rua Álvaro Chaves 468, Floresta, Porto Alegre/RS
CEP: 90220-040

Branch Manager: Ricardo Patta

Mobile: +55 (53) 99997-4973

E-mail: ricardo.patta@sulnorte.com.br

Rua Conde Porto Alegre 384, Sala 501, Centro, Rio Grande/RS
CEP: 96200-330

Branch Manager: Ricardo Patta

Mobile: +55 (53) 99997-4973

E-mail: ricardo.patta@sulnorte.com.br

Rua da Grécia, 165, 4°andar, Comércio, Salvador/BA
CEP: 40010-010

Branch Manager: Lidiane Santos
Cell: +55 (71) 99653-9083
Telephone: +55 (71) 3241-8818
E-mail: lidiane.santos@sulnorte.com.br

Rua 24 de Outubro, Nº 2828, Laguinho, Santarém/PA
CEP: 68040-010

Operational coordinator: Brígida Boyer
Cell: +55 (91) 99148-7834
Telephone: +55 (91) 3311-8765
E-mail: brigida.boyer@sulnorte.com.br

Rua José Alexandre Buaiz 350, 909 E 910, Ed. Affinity Work, Enseada do Suá, Vitória
CEP: 29050-545

Branch Manager: Agnes Ferreira

Mobile: +55 (13) 99794-2532

Phone: +55 (13) 3211-5040

E-mail: agnes.beatriz@sulnorte.com.br

Avenida Gabriel de Lara, 332, Sala 504 E 505, Ed. Paranagua Business, João Gualberto, Paranaguá/PR
CEP: 83203-550

Branch Manager: Fabio Dias
Cell: +55 (41) 98834-4344
Telephone: +55 (41) 3423-2040
E-mail: fabio.dias@sulnorte.com.br

Trav. Crispim Dos Santos Qd 326, Lt02, Núcleo Urbano, Barcarena/PA
CEP: 68447-000

Operational coordinator: Brígida Boyer
Cell: +55 (91) 99148-7834
Telephone: +55 (91) 3311-8765
E-mail: brigida.boyer@sulnorte.com.br